Outline content for this issue include:
Profile - Lonnie Briley - trainer of Coal Battle
The art and science of feeding horses prone to gastric ulcers
An enduring legacy - the influence of Storm Cat on the Triple Crown
Be proactive rather than reactive with biosecurity
Reducing the number of wind surgeries by evaluating the impact of genetics and day to day practices
Transitions - tips for training on synthetic and racing on dirt
How the 'new' Maryland Jockey Club is working to deliver a better racing and breeding product in the Free State
And away he goes - we reflect on Trevor Denman's race calling career and his influence on his protégé Frank Mirahmadi
Gr Stakes Winning Owners - profiling owners with Triple Crown series horses
Conditioning for the Triple Crown series - how to keep a horse fresh during from the 'prep' season to the Belmont Stakes
The work being done by the Thoroughbred Charities of America to support owners, trainers and employees
#Soundbites - Should there be a proper fillies Triple Crown series?
The Alan Balch Column
Advert Booking deadline - Wednesday 2nd April
Advert Materials deadline - Friday 4th April
Press day - Wednesday 9th April
Copies online - Wednesday 9th April
First print copies received from - Tuesday 22nd April
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